Sunday, December 21, 2014

...just because it's been awhile

The quarter's over, and I for one could not be more delighted. I'm a glass of wine and 3 shots in, and just celebrating. It occurred to me that I haven't blogged in quite some time...might be time for an update ;-)

In September, someone started the first grade, and someone else started preschool...

So far, things are going ok in the school department this year. Both girls are doing fine academically. Aili sometimes talks too much ("constantly," according to a comment one day per her teacher...) but, is loved by all, including the teacher. She's friends with everyone, nice to everyone, and is doing well. So proud of her. Now Andie Lu...well, lets just say it's been an adjustment. She's not a morning gal, and apparently spends the first 15-20 minutes of class pouting in the corner with her arms crossed. She warms up after that, though. We have some work to do before kinder...

 Baby, is no longer a baby. She is 100% toddler...I hate it when that happens. She is into.everything.constantly. We can't keep up. While we are cleaning up one thing, she is breaking another. Thank goodness she is cute and sweet. 

 This year's holiday card, possibly showing up after x-mas this year. Sorry. I never claimed to be domestically perfect. 

 By the grace of God, I managed to do ok in school this quarter, despite far less studying and an increased FTE at work- 97% in stats (should be 98-99% by the time the last grades are in), and 96% in theory. I.hate.theory. So glad to be done with that. Makes stats seem like a dream in comparison. Most of the time, I felt like I was just fumbling through theory. My brain just doesn't work that way. So, I am just very thankful. 

Christmas this year will be spent in a few places. I'm working the eve, and then will be spending the morning with the girls and Jeff, before flying out in the evening for California. I'll spend a few days there, and then back I come to ring in the new year at work. 

This year has been...interesting. Too much wine to blog about it in any detail (that makes sense, anyway), but at least there are some updates in the meantime. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

((quickie)) lopez island trip

I'm actually writing a blog post about something we did- gasp- today. The only conceivable reason is because I really don't feel like researching and reading articles for the paper I am supposed to write. (Topic: Should universal gestational diabetes screening be the standard of care or should we screen based on risk factors?) I'm not really in the mood, so instead I think I'll post some pictures from our Lopez island trip today- we met dad, Sigrid, and Aunt Aime (it was her birthday) out there at a campsite and spent the day on the beach and enjoying a yummy dinner, wine, and champagne. They were spending the night but due to an accidental work scheduling snafu, we had to take the ferry back tonight. We still got some fun sand time in though.

One thing I do love about Western Washington is the ferry system we have here. They may have ferries elsewhere, but our ferry system is pretty awesome. We ate some crap ferry food and enjoyed the views of the gorgeous San Juans. You can see one of the ferry boats here...

Once we got to the camp site, we took a little walk through the woods to explore the beach. The girlies had a really fun time, although they did see a snake (ugh). 

 Next to the beach there was a wetlands beautiful :-)

 The beach had a few jellyfish washed up on it; the girls were very intrigued...

 There were also a ton of seashells. The girls filled up a bag each of seashells to bring home. Not entirely sure if that's kosher, but oh well. They sure had fun. 

This sleepy girl liked being backpacked around all day :-)

It was a fun trip, as it always is when we go out to the San Juans, and we'll be back for sure.

catching up

Life has been beyond busy lately. It's amazing how whenever you add something to your plate, you suddenly wonder how you were ever so busy before? Like, what exactly was so busy about three little kids and a job? Three little kids, a job, school, and the usual household responsibilities- now that's busy. Blogging has definitely taken a backseat to schoolwork. I did want to try and (somewhat) keep up with pictures though- So here is a snippet...

Vegas trip- OB conference...


 The tequila car on the linq...

Vegas was pretty fun- ran into a midwife I work with at the conference and one of Jeff's co-workers. We had a fun time getting drinks and enjoying the nightlife.
In June I went to Kentucky and Tennessee for school. Met lots of good people, and got to see my old bar bestie, Kristin- love that girl :-) It was CMA week in Nashville so it was pretty crowded downtown.
 Kentucky is...interesting. Not moving here:

The dorms we stayed in at school.

 *Love* the fireflies. Sadly I couldn't manage to get nay photos of them, but I sat out and tried this night for quite awhile...

 The school is in Eastern Kentucky, up against the Appalachians.

We spent a lot of time on the back porch- less bugs. And my little itty bitty rental car...stuck out like a sore thumb down south! I'm just glad I didn't get this thing stuck under a truck and flattened like a post-it on the road.



 Such a weird concept...

They sure do like their cigarettes. They gave out free pocket ashtrays :-)
So while I was in Nashville there was a tornado warning. Kristin apparently was not too keen to hang and die in my hotel together; she went back home with her hubby. Due to it being CMA week the available hotels were sparse, so I was stuck with one that was nice on the inside, but being remodeled on the outside. So when I looked out back, I saw this:

Classy. I especially like the toilets...wth. Oh well. I decided this wasn't altogether bad, at least I could throw myself in the bottom of the empty pool is a 'nado did come through.

And on the home front...
Princess angel baby turned one. She started walking at 13 months, playing peek-a-boo at 14 months, and she (debate-ably)  says "no" and "dada"- she is just the cutest little thing ever.

We took a little girl's trip over the cascades to see Lisa when I got back. 

                                                                     At Padilla Bay...

Outdoor movie night at the neighbors- the girls loved :-)