Wednesday, May 28, 2014

((quickie)) palm springs trip

I haven't ever actually been to Palm Springs before this trip. I've driven all around it, driven on 15 and 10 tons of times and you can almost see it, but never have I actually stayed there. I decided to go there because I needed to be in California, then Vegas, for work conferences and Palm Springs seemed like a good place to just sit for a few days in between and relax. Basically, I just wanted sun. I loved the mountains all around it...

I took this one when I got in around 1 AM. Had to leave the shutter open for a really long time :-)

I chose this hotel because it seemed fun, I liked all the colors :-)

The pool was really relaxing- until a wedding party came pre-wedding. They were a little young/obnoxious.

I Stayed at The Saguaro...Once again, mainly for the colors. It was really fun looking, and I like to take pictures of fun-looking things. 

 I loved all the flowers/foliage. It was so pretty and tropical looking :-)

There was the yummiest little Greek cafe there, run by the cutest little Greek couple that ever was. The falafel was amazing. I'm always down for falafel. 

A lot of the restaurants and bars had these misters, which was so nice in the warm weather.

On the second day down here my mama came! It was a sort of last-minute thing, and so I was so happy that she drove the 5 hours each way to spend a day and half with me- we tried to cram as much mother-daughter time into that as possible. It's so nice to be able to spend time with her without the kids. Not that I don't love having her get to hang out with the kids, but it's nice to be able to really concentrate on her. We took the tram up into the San Jacinto wilderness, which is about 8500 feet elevation and a very different environment. You also get a great view of Coachella valley. 

Mom on the tram ride up, a little unsure about it. Can't imagine why...

Coachella Valley

At the top of the tram they have a couple restaurants and wine...

The next day, we had a nice big brunch before heading out. Mimosas were on special...

*loved* these guys at the bar.

Loved this guy too, and his little dog. He brought a doggie bed for him to the bar :-)

After this we went to Joshua National Tree Park, because, well, I wanted to see the trees. It would've been cooler if it had been nighttime, and if we'd had more time, but we still had fun.

 This is a Joshua Tree. Only it's not actually a tree I guess, and there are actually a ton of them off I-15, which I had forgotten. Oh well. We still had a fun time, and the ranger who helped us when I lost my keys was nice. I also temporarily lost my phone. Not a good day for Shan. I had a lot on my mind, what can I say.

 Some weird catcus garden.

These Cati are almost kinda fuzzy-looking. They are most definitely not.

For some reason, I really like taking pictures of feet. Mine, my kid's, other people's. And no, I definitely do not have any sort of foot fetish. Sexually, that is.

Mom took some pics of me next to these Josh trees we drove for a ways to see...
I was freakin' about my phone here.

There are a lot of pics of trees on this post. Perhaps I have a tree fetish...

I think that's enough pics for one post. I'll have to postpone Vegas till tomorrow at least, since it is 2:30 AM, and I should be:
1. Shakin' my big booty to at least 4 more songs
2. Watching another episode of girl on girl (AKA Orange is the new black)
3. Maybe going to bed at some point???

Vegas, baby, tomorrow. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

skagit valley tulip festival

Once again, long time, no bloggy! We've been busy, and i keep getting further and further behind. Lots has been going on here....

I decided to finally do something about finishing up my eduction. I am 31, after all. So, I applied, got accepted, and have started a bridge nursing program. It'll take me awhile, but by the time I am done I will have a doctorate of nursing and be a CNM (certified nurse midwife). I struggled before in trying to decide which direction to go in nursing, but I like helping moms and babies. I think I can do good there. The program I am in is a distance learning university in Kentucky. I will have to go to Kentucky 4 or 5 times over the course of the next 4-5 years, but the rest is done online and with local preceptors and clinicals. Unfortunately I can't do any clincals at prov since I work there, which is a bummer, since they have one of the biggest hospital-based midwifery practices up here. So, I am going to look into group health, a few birth centers, and evergreen. Next week I go to Kentucky for an orientation. Should be interesting.

Jeff broke his ankle/fibula/lower leg (however you want to categorize that). This SUCKS. He can't do much at all since he is no weight bearing and in a boot, not a walking cast. He goes in for a follow up with the orthopedic surgeon this week. He's had 2 sets of  x-rays thus far and it showed a 1mm displacement so far which apparently is ok, but if it displaces any more, he will need surgery (plate and screws kind of deal). So, he will be getting x-rays on Wednesday and hopefully then we will know if he needs surgery. Really *awesome* timing with my trip ((sarcasm)). He is currently off work (can't exactly fight fires or do patient care when you're non weight bearing and on crutches) and at home trying to rest and elevate as much as he can. As you could imagine, the girls are totally taking advantage and he is having a hard time. He can't even pick up and carry the baby while motoring around on the crutches. His leg is pretty horrifically swollen and bruised :-/  Life has been a little harder for me too now as a result- I have to do everything physical, like all the cleaning and pick up, lawn mowing, chicken cage mucking-out, etc. Along with my job and everything else. Fun times. And of course, he is going stir crazy, since he is normally so active and we're starting on summertime when he works on all his projects. Bummer, bummer, bummer.

I got to go to Palm Springs for a little girlie getaway last month which was totally awesome. I'll do a separate post on that with all the pictures. I went to an OB conference in Vegas but decided I wanted to take a few extra days to be a lounge lizard by the pool and take some pictures there. It was pretty fun, and Vegas was fun too. More on that in coming posts.

I still haven't posted this year's pictures of the tulip festival, so here we go. My mama was here for that and I have always wanted to take her. Every year we go and get out photo on. This year the kiddos weren't quite as cooperative, and Aili wasn't there (I don't remember why, maybe school?) but it was still fun...

 Andie was her usual, free-spirited self...

She loves her boots :-)

We be sooo happy ;-) Nice shadow too huh?? But I thought it was funny. Can't always get winners.

Diamond in the rough

Afterward, there was snow goose...most awesome ice cream ever....

It really isn't so bad, leaving in the Skagit Valley (or close to it anyway).  :-)