Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Maybe that's whats up? I've been very into making things for baby girl lately- first my mom, Jeff, and I designed a quilt for her using some of my favorite girly fabrics, and now I'm working on other little things to match- think bright pinks/reds/oranges, paisley, and polka dots :-) It's been fun! (...ok, and frustrating at times. I've had to bust out the seam ripper a time or two.) Below, a sampling of some little creations~

And I'm way excited because...I got a new sewing machine! I had one before, but this one is cooler. And, ahem, either the old one is: A. Broken, or B. I just can't figure out how to use it. Manual somehow disappeared. So, it had been a couple of years since I've used it. I've had to rely on tailors and my mama. This new one is very user-friendly though, and does some really cool stitches that will be awesome for quilting. So, does this make me old then, or merely pregnant and nesting? Who knows :-)

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