Friday, February 25, 2011

5 months how old my little itty-bitty rolly-polly d
elicious bundle of sweetness is. I can't even handle it! She is getting older, and I am loving watching her grow and do new things, but I know I'll be sad when she isn't a "baby" anymore. In celebration of her five-month- birthday, we had baby oatmeal! She has been very interested in our food lately (did I tell you about how she grabbed an olive oil-covered broccoli off my plate?
Well she did. A
nd refused to let go. SO messy. SO cute). So we decided to let her have a go of it. She loved it! Baby oatmeal + breast milk = baby food of the gods, I guess. Here is some of her cuteness to gobble up. Don't you just love a messy little babe with food all over her face? I sure do. And lastly,
we have a photo of me and my firstborn little lady. Can you believe
it? She is the baby twin I never had. She is gonna be my best buddy someday, I'm sure of it.

1 comment:

NatiliaVish said...

Love those baby smiles!!! :) (And recognize that fake bumbo!) Also love the hat... and your cute little mini-me, of course :)