I always wanted a sister when I was younger. I felt like I was missing something for a long time. I don't know when exactly it was, but I came to the realization that I have everything I need. I DO have sisters, the fact that they're not from the same mom and dad means nada. Lisa and Desiree are my "sisters," and I could.not.be.more.lucky! I don't make friends real easy. I don't even have *that many* friends. I don't collect them on facebook like they're candy or something. In fact, my dear friend Lisa is the only one who comments on this blog with any regularity (other people claim to read it, but never comment...why is this people? Oh well.) I'm not really sure why this is- I consider myself to be a social person, I love people, and the friends I do have, I keep. I'm also very loyal. I don't have "falling outs" with friends. To me, 'tis better to have a few GREAT friends than lots of acquaintance-friends, so I am lucky. So, as Lisa stated in HERE, we totally plan to be marriage-related through our kiddos, Toby and Andie Lucie. Why Andie Lucie and not Aili you ask? Well, we don't want anyone calling her a cougar ;-) Don't you think they would make adorable babies? See, Look:

Don't take my word for it, though. I had a little fun morphing their images into a baby-maker software thingy. (No I am not insane...really) Now, you have to ignore the overlay on the baby's face, I think it's because Andie's wearing a hat in the picture I morphed, but other than that isn't this baby CUTE?

OK, woman. Thanks a lot. You just made me laugh so hard that my water came out of my nose and I dropped my computer. (Thankfully, it appears to still be functional). That picture is the most AWESOME thing that I have ever seen, and I am stealing it and revising an upcoming 31 Day Picture Challenge Post to include it.
You are awesome and thanks, I feel the same way about you obviously. So, question, if I call you my "sista from another mista" does that technically mean we are half-sisters with different dads? Otherwise, I'm going to start saying that. For reals.
LOL! Yep, I think so for sure!
So showed Dave the picture of his future grandchild, and he thought that was funny, and asked what her name was. I said, "Well, it's up to Toby and Andie to pick her name. Otherwise, we'd be those crazy grandparents." And he said, "Yes, because that would be the ONLY crazy thing here..." Men just don't understand.
I know. Totally don't get it. Arranged marriage is a fabulous idea when we're the ones arranging it! And here are some LOVELY names,morph-style, lol:
Tandie, Byan, Any, Odie
Some other possibilities, but even more unfortunate:
Toad, Diet
So sweet. I was just telling someone that I love having two girls, who love each other, there is just something so sweet about their interaction. Yay for sisters!
Okay - this is cute and hilarious!
Sorry I don't comment more - I do read! Less now that I my lap top is out of commission but I do read!!!!
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