That's how many I get to blow out now. And my husband made sure of it, too!
He planned me a TOTAL surprise party, and spent a couple of weeks doing it, too. And then while Steph and I were getting manicures, he watched 3 girls AND set up my party: 50 people were invited, and people came from as far away as Spokane, Olympia, B-ham/Lynden/Ferndale, and Kirkland (Leah wanted a shout-out, too :-)) There was awesome grilled food, baked goodies, and a cake with looottts of candles! And the best part; friends and family and lots of little kiddos playing everywhere. One thing that made me smile was how my party looked a little like a 5 year old's party, what with all the kid's stuff everywhere! It's funny, because the day before, I wasobnoxiously tearful and whiney a little emotional about the fact that I hadn't had a lot of "socializing" time in with my friends and family-I've been feeling a little isolated lately due to the responsibilities of keeping up the house/working on the yard, motherhood, and work. I know now Jeff must have been a *teeny* bit exasperated- after all, I was going to get plenty of good catching-up in:
Seriously, there's like nothing that man can't do. 28 is gonna be a GREAT year. I can feel it in my (old) bones! I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life, and I had a great time chatting, playing, eating, and making s'mores until late into the night by the bonfire (and luckily, a certain fireman-NOT the husband- decided against "sacrifcing my picnic table" to the fire, although everything else by the house that was able to be burned went!) I just feel so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Not only does my husband give me everything I need, but he is everything anyone could ever want, too. It's so bizzare the way life works: I met him randomly in a starbuck's one day before I had to go to clinicals at St. Joe's, and he was studying fire department stuff. Had we each decided to go get coffee even an hour later, we never would have met. We had no other real "ties" or mutual friends. He is honestly the sweetest, most caring, unselfish person I know. He makes not just our little family's life better, but the world better, too. I love you baby. You are so good to me.
He planned me a TOTAL surprise party, and spent a couple of weeks doing it, too. And then while Steph and I were getting manicures, he watched 3 girls AND set up my party: 50 people were invited, and people came from as far away as Spokane, Olympia, B-ham/Lynden/Ferndale, and Kirkland (Leah wanted a shout-out, too :-)) There was awesome grilled food, baked goodies, and a cake with looottts of candles! And the best part; friends and family and lots of little kiddos playing everywhere. One thing that made me smile was how my party looked a little like a 5 year old's party, what with all the kid's stuff everywhere! It's funny, because the day before, I was
In the midst of his planning, Jeff realized that we needed some more seating for the party, so he made 2 large adult-sized picnic tables PLUS a kiddie table I had been coveting. Being the
difficult creative wife that I am, I got it in my head that our kiddie picnic table needed to be either round or octagon-shaped, not rectangular. And he totally surprised me by making a beautiful one! The stain's not done yet, and I haven't added an umbrella, but you can totally see it in all of it's glory:
Seriously, there's like nothing that man can't do. 28 is gonna be a GREAT year. I can feel it in my (old) bones! I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life, and I had a great time chatting, playing, eating, and making s'mores until late into the night by the bonfire (and luckily, a certain fireman-NOT the husband- decided against "sacrifcing my picnic table" to the fire, although everything else by the house that was able to be burned went!) I just feel so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. Not only does my husband give me everything I need, but he is everything anyone could ever want, too. It's so bizzare the way life works: I met him randomly in a starbuck's one day before I had to go to clinicals at St. Joe's, and he was studying fire department stuff. Had we each decided to go get coffee even an hour later, we never would have met. We had no other real "ties" or mutual friends. He is honestly the sweetest, most caring, unselfish person I know. He makes not just our little family's life better, but the world better, too. I love you baby. You are so good to me.
...and I hate blogger. Darn formatting. That's all.
Jeff is indeed an Agent of Stealth. I had fun surprising you. Also, I don't know if this would help your blogger issues, but I recently discovered "compose" (as opposed to "html" on the tabs when you're writing a new blog, and it has made a world of difference. I also discovered that when my camera program tries to rotate the pictures, that's when blogger gets confused and puts them sideways, but when the Windows program does it, it works much better. If that helps you at all. :)
PS how do you get your words to be strike-through like that?
I usually use compose. When my pictures were rotating I think it was due to an in-camera issue of landscape vs. portrait mode, because I usually use compose. I've found that if I rotate the photo 360 degrees in windows, even when it's rotation is correct in windows, it posts correctly. Go figure. As for strike-through, that is one thing where I toggle over to html mode for (I'll go back and forth in the same post sometimes between that and compose) I'd show you how here but stupid blogger won't allow html in the comments. Basically, it's an s enclosed in bracket/arrow thingies then what you want to say, then a backslash and an s enclosed in the bracket/arrow things again. Since blogger's so limited with the auto functions it helps to use a little html. I've heard though that if you download the new toolbar there are more options. Haven't done that yet!
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