2 barred rocks + 2 buff orpingtons. Aren't they cute? Those itty-bitty balls of fluff are pretty entertaining, too! We're having a good time watching them play in their brooder. I've been doing my research and think
I'm pretty excited for these ladies to start laying later this summer! (please help us if we accidentally wind up with four roosters...) We're having a lot of fun with our four new chick babies (and, I kinda want to go back in a few days when the Ameraucanas come in so I can get a fifth and have an easter-egg hen!)
I'd like to put in an order for an omelet please!
CUTE!!! :)
As kids Cameron got chickens and your kids got chickens.... I feel like I missed out on this experience. :)
Oh those chickie babies are soooo cute :) One of our friends has chickens and I enjoy benefitting from their eggs ;)
Yeah, I really want the girls to have the whole "urban farming" experience- collecting eggs, picking apples, playing in our little (seasonal) stream- there is something really comforting about growing up with a bit of those simple life pleasures!
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