Thursday, June 30, 2011

To My Friend Kristin

I haven't posted yet about the fabulousness that was my friend Kristin's wedding, but it was, in a word, awesome! Kristin and I have been friends since junior high, and she is one of the more entertaining people you'll ever meet, plus a great artist, knows tons of good hot spots for the happiest hour you'll have, is super-outdoorsy, can draw cartoons of people that will have you laughing until you wet yourself, and can kick major booty on this awesome bar game called monkey barrels (one day, I will be a useful contributing partner in this game). 
The gorgeous bride, and her somewhat-behaving old friends
There's always time for dancing

LOVE these girls!!!
So, when Kristin got married, it was a Big Deal. And she was beautiful. I mean, see photographic evidence of the Hot Blonde, above. (The one in the white ;-))
Kristin has a special place in my heart. As some of you may know, about five years(?) ago I went through the hardest time of my life. It was the end of a long relationship I thought was going to be forever, and to say I was heartbroken and lost, is putting it mildly. Kristin boosted me up during the year of hard times that followed- she got me out of the house and back to the land of the living. After that painful time, she was the first one who made me laugh my guts out again. 

OOps, I accidently picked the photo where Adam is sticking out his tongue! Oh well the bride looks good!

Sadly you can't read the sign we stole, but Leah and I were definitely a private event! Her and Lisa were my dates since Jeff couldn't make it

...because it wouldn't be right to send Kristin off into the world of the marrieds without breaking a few rules

She stuffed me full of alcohol (but not in a bad, alcoholic way!) and got me dressed up and socializing again. She helped me to believe it was ok to have fun again, because at the time, I had a lot of guilt about all the things I wish I had done differently the previous 4 years. Anyway, what I am getting at is, Kristin, you are awesome. You deserve every happiness, and I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! To imagine my life without my "partner in crime" is sad indeed! 
....aaannndddd even though we are now married to the most fabulous, loving, coolest husbands EVER, we must still have girl's night. I'll bring the pinot grigio and jell-o shots, you bring the mad monkey barrels skills.

1 comment:

NatiliaVish said...

Awww! So sweet! :) I had so much fun that night too!