Wednesday, August 24, 2011


 My poor sick babies :-(
Aili has had a stomach bug the last few days and hasn't wanted to do much if anything- very un-Aili like. Andie still is wheezy and congested so we took her back to the pedi and the words 'reactive airway disease' were mentioned. I hope my poor sweet little girl doesn't have asthma :-/
we're going to trial her on an inhaler and see how she does. In other news, the new job is going ok, but busy. And Jeff might have gotten completely assaulted poked by some IV needles  in an attempt by myself to practice, since it has been a loonggg time since I started IVs. I did pretty good though if I do say so myself, and I took a brush up course at Prov with an IV nurse who taught me some cool tricks, including better ways to anchor veins. I was even able to teach jeff something! So that was much appreciated, way better advice than I got back in school. Anyway, that's what's new. I'll post more when (if?) I ever get a free moment!
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1 comment:

NatiliaVish said...

Ohhhh, my sweet Aili friend!!! I am sorry she's not feeling well. And I am really hoping poor Andie doesn't have asthma!!!
Um, and your husband let you practice starting IVs on him?!!??!?!?! Now THAT is what true love is all about ;)