Tuesday, May 7, 2013

when life gives you sunshine...

Is there anything better than hot sunny days in May? I think not, especially in Washington. It's kinda like mother nature's way of telling you to hold on, summer will be here soon, and it will be glorious.
So we enjoyed.

We played. Camano Island.
Lake Goodwin


We played until some of us got a little cold.
And then the sun went ni-night...

We weren't quite ready to come in yet, though.

So, we went to yet another park and lit a big fire.
Now we were warm, and could see. Kind of.

We roasted hot dogs (the Costco ones. We're classy) and made s'mores.
And this is pretty much what we have been up to,
repeat x 3 days,
plus a lot of ice cream
(forgot to get a picture of that)
I am so glad to be part of a family that knows how to let everything else go and just PLAY.
And I hope I am raising girls who will love these little things, too.


Gail said...

Looks like you are creating some great memories. And your weather is better than ours right now. No fair!

Lisa said...

The weather has been amazing here too! We haven't made it out to the lakes tho... so I'm jealous!! Instead I've been pushing a heavy stroller in the heat... totally not as fun... but I do love being able to go to the park... tough call.