Monday, September 23, 2013

the SLO life

                                          It was a busy summer. 
                                        Full of pool time and play,
                                      Bright skies and sunny days,
                                  Starting with sand between our toes
                                   And ending with a sunburned nose.

I have gone through a couple thousand baby wipes, drank about 
100 cups of coffee, and slathered on countless tubes of sunscreen.
 I have laughed a little, and cried a lot. It was amazing, busy,
 heartbreaking, fun and fulfilling all at once. There were some bitter 
disappointments as well.

 I was so happy to be there, in spite of all of that. 
And I got to spend it with some of the most beautiful, funny, and 
frustrating little people that I know. Little miss Avie, about 2 months 
old here. She smiles, coos, sleeps through the night most of the time, 
tries to laugh, loves to nurse and cuddle, and is about the sweetest
 little baby you could ever imagine.

My other girls are all stuck on my iPhone...oops. More pictures of them 
   I learned how to drive on this road, back when I was fourteen, and my 
   dad would come to visit.

   I also drank a good amount of wine... It's a good place for that.

   I just love all the succulents here, near the coast as you're getting
  close to Carmel and Big Sur especially. Did you know SLO county 
  is considered the happiest place on earth to live?

   This does not surprise me...

Avery and I went to Avila one day, what I call my "baby" beach, and did a little shopping. 
(Is it just me or is it so laughably easy to just have one child with you?!)
And of course it's not a proper girls day out if there's not shoe shopping...

   A bend in the road....

We also took a little hike in the Morro Bay estuary area. It was gorgeous, 
you'll have to take my word for it and not the pictures which aren't the best 
due to the fog.

You can see the sun struggling to peak out here overlooking the 
valley...from where I was standing it was all darkness and fog, but in 
the distance, there was a brilliant sun. You can just barely see it 
here, but in person, It was there, just beyond reach.

I loved this rock, kinda wanted to relocate it home to my patio, not 
sure how that would work though...

There were these big cracks in the ground, thought I would break my ankle... 
Minimalist running shoes = No so bueno for hiking. But, I left my hiking shoes in 
Washington, and you gotta work with what you got.

   It took awhile to figure out which way I needed to head. There are paths 
   everywhere there, all different trails, and some are marked and some are not.

      After a bit I discovered that all the paths seemed to eventually 
     end up in the exact same place. 


Gail said...

If you weren't already a nurse, I think you'd make a great travel writer. Love how you tell a story with your photos. The shoe shopping part is so cute, and the photo of the trails that all end up in the same place. Great symbolism. Well done!

Shani said...

Thanks mama:-) I learned from the best!

NatiliaVish said...

Love the photos and that cute little baby (her mother is also kinda cool). So glad I got to see you (too briefly!) this weekend. Also love the new blog look :)

Shani said...

Thanks Lisa! Hope to see you soon, for longer! Thanks for all your help :-)