Thursday, March 20, 2014

throw-back thursday

Leah posted this gem from long ago...these girls sure are great! Love my old high school buddies! I think we were 22 or so here? 

Aannnddd here we have my eighteenth birthday! Next month I'll be 31...and I remember this like it was yesterday! Where does the time go?!


Lisa said...

OH MAH GAWD!!!!!!!!

Leah's picture was almost exactly 10 years ago, we were twenty one. I thought my hair was weird in that, one love it though I do.

But you've really taken the cake here with the high school one. MY BANGS! Oh, the wind tunnel bangs... they will never really leave me... why are we using non-phone objects as phones?!


Shani said...

Lisa- I have no earthly idea, lol!

Lisa said...

I think maybe that second one needs to go on FB.