Sunday, March 29, 2015

skagit valley tulip festival

It's that time of year again, the daffodils are finishing and out come the tulips- its a little early this year on account of the warm winter we've been having. Just a quick trip this time, I wasn't feeling super awesome, the kids weren't exactly in to the tulips this year (They did, however, love the mud and the kites), and it was super-windy. 

 We are one attraccctttivvvee family. This one was seriously the best of all of us, and I gave up after a few separate tries. Its kinda funny though- I think Jeff is laughing and Andie Lu is, of course, scowling. 

 Baby Avie LOVED this game. A painter came up to Jeff later and said he took some photos of them playing to paint a picture of later- shockingly, no one said the same of me. 


 And this look is accompanied by her screeching "....UUUPPPPAAA!!!!"

 ...daddy got tired from throwing her up in the air.

 They loved the kites- They kept pestering me to buy them some. 

 I can't believe I made three sisters. *Sniff* As someone with only brothers, this melts my heart. 

 Oh, to be that happy and full of joy...its those simple pleasures, really.

Daddy and his girls. 

This little cutie was loving the mud. She would barely stand still (actually, she wouldn't stand still at all) to have her picture taken. Last year, I took an awesome photo of her next to the tulips....crying. Oh well. Maybe next year. 

Copying daddy...this could've ended badly, but it was pretty cute. 


Gail said...

Love these photos! The girls are beautiful- gonna have to print these up for the bulletin board.

One question: where does Avie get her gorgeous peepers?

Lisa said...

TULIPS!!!! Oooh, so jealous.

Huh. No one has ever wanted to paint a picture of me playing with my kids, either. Must be a dad thing :) I gotta admit, Daddies-throwing-babies pictures are some of my favorites.

You guys are such a gorgeous family!

I'm posting this from my big computer and GOSH DARN IT IF IT DOES NOT LET ME POST I'M GOING TO BE SO MAD.