Thursday, June 30, 2011

The First Camping Trip of the Season!

I'm sorta what you might call a "fair-weather" camper. Give me sun and a warm body of water to lie next to, and I'm good. I never understood how people could not like camping, I mean, s'mores and bonfires and friends and the great outdoors? Awesome. However, I usually prefer the great outdoors NOT to be dumping buckets on me, which is exactly what it did for this season's first camping trip to Kalaloch, western washington coast. (Yes that is June. I didn't pick the destination although admittedly, it was very pretty. Maybe some other time in August or September?)
At the Beach...where apparently, you must be *very* careful not to get killed by beach logs....quite a random sign!

The attraction of the area- The Big Cedar Tree

Getting stuck while climbing Big Cedar Tree's little sister

Andie Lu and her future husband. And best friends turned relatives someday...?


Camp food....yumm

We still had fun though, mostly because we got to see some awesome people! Even though on the way back the ferry was closed and we ended up having to find a hotel to stay in nearby, it is slim pickins' in Kingston so we went to Poulsbo. Oh well, at least we got to go to the Sluys Family Bakery! Here's to many more camping adventures this summer. Hopefully next time in the sun.


NatiliaVish said...

So what the heck was up with the ferry??!! I totally have a schedule now that says it runs past midnight on Mondays. Also... yeah. I am sorry about the rain. But I am SOOO glad you guys came- wouldn't have been half as fun without you!

Shani said...

Ok, I think that they should totally pay for our hotel then! Darn ferry people!!! Your schedule says that for the Kingston ferry? (I know the one down south goes later, but what I read mondays at kingston is 1105 for last run)

Sabrina C. said...

Looks like you guys had fun minus the rain. I love camping but I hate camping in the rain. I blame all the years of camping in Cali. in the heat vs. the rain/cold. It made it so I don't do "rain" camping. But looks like you guys did great w/ the tarps.

Also, if my memory serves me the ferry leaving kingston doesn't go past mid-night. I think 11 is the latest but I could be wrong. We have family out there and my ex cowkr was commuting back and forth and I recall her saying that she had to catch an 11 something ferry or she'd be stuck in edmonds - but I dont know. Either way, probably a good excuse to go to the bakery and enjoy some yummy food.