Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What We've Been Up To!

Enjoying the (rare) glimpses of sun here in the Pacific Northwest, and trying not to bum out too much about the rain! We've done a few camping trips and spent some time on the island (Camano...we live right next to it; the pics above are from there). All in all it hasn't been *too* bad of a summer but I am really looking forward to being in California for a couple of weeks! They know how to do summer right down there! Anyway, some highlights from the past few weeks~

What happens when Aili picks her outfit (in JULY)

 The Fourth of July, at Jeff's co-workers house. Aili liked the pinata.

Lake Pearrygin/Winthrop Camping Trip:
It was quite windy at Diablo Lake

Think she'll kill me when she is a teen for posting this picture?

...And you should've seen the inside of the car. Is this what it requires to go camping for a few days with 2 big kids (Jeff and I) and 3 little ones?!

Not sure which she likes more, the ice cream or the saddle! We love Winthrop ice cream

Blueberry pancakes are yummy

Sleepy girls....poor Ari, Aili's a car seat hog

Having fun splashing around in Pearrygin lake


Ready to hit the beach!

North Cascades Waterfall


NatiliaVish said...

Um, trips with half-decent weather?! I am insane with jealousy. Glad you guys are having fun!!

Sabrina C. said...

Im so jealous of your camping trip. I hate this weather we're having. Though, I need to get out and do stuff rain and all!

Looks like you guys had a blast! And the pictures of the kiddos are sooo cute!!!