Tuesday, April 23, 2013

lummi island

We went and spent some family time on Lummi Island this past Sunday, and surprisingly, the weather cooperated! It was gorgeous out so I took some pictures while we drove around the island. I love the San Juans :-)

Orcas island in the distance...

The beach on the west side of the island

Every time I come, I think I should be coming more often...

The view from my in law's front yard... Pretty relaxing!

The girls collecting eggs (from our coop, not Lummi). An egg or two might not have made it back inside.

With their Raggedy Anne dolls that Aunt Joanne made them

We are one lucky family, we get to visit relatives in cool places like Lummi and Central California. Hope these little girls appreciate it!


Gail said...

Great photos! Nice one of the four (five) of you. Love the ones of the girls on the steps. They look so sweet together. I see Andie is still loving her "cow boots".

Lisa said...

Sooo jealous. The tulips are on my 'bucket list'. I think I've figured out what my problem is: they make their grand appearance at the end of April / beginning of May, which is Insanely Busy for me between birthdays and Bloomsday. One of these years, though... it's going to happen.

Jane Fader said...

Hi Shani,
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Lummi Island to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you soon!