Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reason # 100,0000,000 Why I Got Married

There are the obvious reasons: love, compatibility, friendship, family, and common interests. And then there is the Division of Labor, or, the ways in which we complement one another. For example: I can cook and put a room together, and I do research on child development so we don't mess up our kiddos too badly (There has got to be more than that I an good at right?!) Jeff is good at so many stinkin' things, one of them being putting things together like furniture and wood working. I mean, I barely know the difference between a washer a nut, and the only 'hammering' I have done with any regularity is knocking back jello shots (and that doesn't happen often either). Well, my first solo furniture project was these chairs. I was so so proud of myself too. Jeff laughed at mr when I told him it was the first thing I'd put together myself, like, EVER. And he was afraid to sit in it. Rightly so, I messed it up. I wound up with extra screws and washers. How I managed to do that is beyond me, I picked the easiest possible thing to put together outside of the legoes in the toddler aisle. I did finally figure it out, although did you know it can be very difficult to get screws lined up perfectly so they go in right? Ugh. I worked on it until 2AM last night and then finally called it quits with 1 chair left (just 2 screws on that one I could not for the life of me get to go in) it is almost 11pm now here's Hoping I finish before 2. Jeff obviously offered to do it but I WILL get this done. Wish me luck! ( sorry about the typos by the way. I am on my phone and way too lazy to go back and fix them!)

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