baby catching. family. life in the hospital. west coast love. plus lots of pictures.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bright Lights, Big City
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Edible Landscaping
Happy Reading!
Friday, May 27, 2011
For Sale
Like a pile of rocks
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Let Them Drink Beer
Dear Mr. Slug(s):
Stay away from my strawberries or enjoy a good "chelada." Really, I can think of worse ways for you to go. Just try me. Sincerely, Shani
PS- Stay away from my romaine or I will cover you in chicken scratch (AKA chicken candy) and unleash the birds. Consider ya self warned.
She thinks my tractor's sexy
Onions for your omelet?
Our bigger girls (the 2 orps and 2 rocks) like to range but stay pretty close to their coop. In particular they like weeds and bugs. Hopefully they'll take a dent out of the mosquito population this summer when it starts to warm up. The araucanas are still pretty little and timid. They don't stray far from the coop, and even when the door's up they are often still inside. Jeff thinks they're smart because they're small and know they need to hide out from predators. They like to hide under my car.
Monday, May 16, 2011
It Was Beautiful
Well, for one day, anyway. We sure did enjoy it though! We are lucky to live right near the Centennial trail, which goes right over the Stillaguamish river and is really pretty. Aili did awesome- she rode her bike the whole 3 miles to Arlington (the trail's longer, but that was our destination for the day) and most of the way back- when she wasn't riding her bike she ran or walked. What a trooper! If she can do the 6 miles now I'm hoping by next year she might be able to go 10 and mama can get a good work out! (by the way, the picture above isn't the Stilli, it's Lake Washington. We went there too- gotta squeeze as much sunshine in as possible!)
Anybody want to go for a ride? I think we'll be here a lot this summer.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
We All Have Those Days...
This weather is really getting me down. I'm ready for the outdoors for sure. We have all sorts of projects over here at Chez Sluys that just don't get done if there is rain. Tomorrow, we're supposed to tractor the back yard to remove all the sod and weeds in preparation for sowing the grass. That's just not happening if it is raining (There would be a good chance of the tractor getting stuck in the mud). The other day we got so desperate we painted the chicken coop under a tarp nailed to the roof. Classy. The birds did get to free-range for the first time the other day though. The verdict: Bugs: way yummy. Slugs: so-so. My decorative plant by the front porch: gourmet. They're getting a little bit better about being picked up too. I guess they've realized that we're not as scary as the great outdoors. They don't like to separated either, if one gets away from the flock, a lot of distressed clucking is likely to ensue. We put the Araucanas in with the big girls today, and unfortunately, the mean girls picked at them. So, they're in a cage within the coop now. Hopefully they'll all play nice soon.
In kid news, the little ladies are doing well, and Aili continues to make me laugh just about every day with the things that she says. We were at the grocery store the other day and were walking by a few policeman outside of their car and she stops dead in her tracks, right next to them, points, and asks, "Mom, are they bad?" I tugged at her arm and tried to get her to keep going but she was quite insistent and would not budge, and asked her question again (loudly). I told her, "No, they CATCH the bad guys." Clearly, we need to be playing more cops and robbers here at our house so she can differentiate. Andie's doing well too, I think she is just starting to get a little seperation anxiety. She knows her mama for sure. She can be a little clingy at times (I call her my kangaroo kid) but she's just so sweet. We love her for sure....we'll keep 'er.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Don't Cry (or Cuss!) Over Spilled Milk
I guess I was a brat yesterday, since it is 0218am right now! Hopefully I am not being a brat to anyone right now...
I'm not really sure what my problem was yesterday (tired? stressed? not wanting to go back to work again?) but evidently, I had one. I woke up wondering why my baby hadn't been brought to me to nurse- I slept for 6 hours and Andie Lu didn't come to visit! Husband informed me she wasn't hungry. Well. I then launched into a lecture about how solid food doesn't replace breast milk in the first year, yadda yadda (because he doesn't have 2 kids or anything and know this already!)Then, I discover I had left 9.5 ounces of breast milk in my purse, out for 7 hours. Lovely. I force husband to do a taste-test on it (He wanted to just toss it. The horrors!) He decides it tastes ok, but is still leery. I tell him to bag 'er up and feed it to her later, going on about how breast milk has natural antibiotics and so on. He then proceeds to "fling it around carelessly" (in my tired, irrational brain) and promptly spills about half of it all over the floor. I then flip out and accuse him of not "respecting" my breast milk and not being "appropriately sad" that it had spilled. (Yes really. I know.) Anybody who pumps knows how much of a bummer it is to spill your milk
Raising children, working, and keeping the house in order can be tough sometimes. But I am DARN LUCKY to have the most understanding husband to make it a wee bit easier.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
April Showers Bring May...Showers.
The weather here in the Pacific Northwest is a bit of a bummer. It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow but of course I'll be sleeping- it's back to work tomorrow night for me. Maybe husband will get some of the concreting done- the fence for the garden is coming along, he's put in 14 of the 28 poles for it. I'm pretty excited to get that thing up, especially after I found deer prints in my garden bed and nibbles off my lettuce and cabbages.
Labor's having a potato potluck tonight which was pretty yummy, and then someone patted my tummy and asked how baby was doing. Huh. Maybe I should lay off the carbs...? Right after that she followed with how small I looked for having a young baby (laughing here- she claimed she knew I wasn't pregnant but STILL!). Oh well.
The picture above is kind of an old one of my lovies, taken in California during our last trip. I just love how proud Aili is to be a big sister. She loves miss Andie Lucie so much. Today Andie fell over and hit her head on a toy and started crying and Aili was so upset. Andie was fine, but Aili was bawling and had big fat tears rolling down her face. When I asked her what was wrong she just kept saying "She's hurt! She fell on her toy!" What a sweetheart. Another funny thing Miss Aili does is to bring her to me when she is crying and tell me "She's crying, she wants to nurse." Apparently mama nursing the baby will fix everything. More funny Aili-isms? I told her today she didn't need to put on her jammies to take a nap, she could just wear her tinkerbell undies and call it good, it would be like a panty party (really, I just was trying to get her in bed as fast as possible, I had a very limited amount of time left to lay down before I had to leave for work). She throws her hands up and says, "But there is no cake! No balloons!" She was NOT pleased that this "party" did not include any of these fun things. One of my top mama lessons, which I always seem to forget, is to always THINK about things before you say them out loud to your three and a half year old! Many a regret here...
I really should get back to work. It's 0240 am and I have done no charting. Zilch, nada, none. Not in the mood. It really feels like we spend just as much time charting as we do doing actual patient care. It's so depressing, how litigious the medical field has become. My job would be so much easier if there was no charting involved and all I had to do was take care of people. Wouldn't that be nice!