I guess I was a brat yesterday, since it is 0218am right now! Hopefully I am not being a brat to anyone right now...
I'm not really sure what my problem was yesterday (tired? stressed? not wanting to go back to work again?) but evidently, I had one. I woke up wondering why my baby hadn't been brought to me to nurse- I slept for 6 hours and Andie Lu didn't come to visit! Husband informed me she wasn't hungry. Well. I then launched into a lecture about how solid food doesn't replace breast milk in the first year, yadda yadda (because he doesn't have 2 kids or anything and know this already!)Then, I discover I had left 9.5 ounces of breast milk in my purse, out for 7 hours. Lovely. I force husband to do a taste-test on it (He wanted to just toss it. The horrors!) He decides it tastes ok, but is still leery. I tell him to bag 'er up and feed it to her later, going on about how breast milk has natural antibiotics and so on. He then proceeds to "fling it around carelessly" (in my tired, irrational brain) and promptly spills about half of it all over the floor. I then flip out and accuse him of not "respecting" my breast milk and not being "appropriately sad" that it had spilled. (Yes really. I know.) Anybody who pumps knows how much of a bummer it is to spill your milk
Raising children, working, and keeping the house in order can be tough sometimes. But I am DARN LUCKY to have the most understanding husband to make it a wee bit easier.
Um, I would flip out too if my milk spilled. I am going to say it's HORMONES that made us ridiculously irrational. Yes, that must be it. That and how #$*(&$#(^%# annoyinglt neverending it is to pump.
Ditto to that. One day, we shall have a pump-bashing party. Like in Office Space with the fax machine.
I'm sorry :( I don't fully understand since I'm clearly not a mother and have never pumped, but I do understand irrational yelling at the one you love.
I'm a horrible morning person as you know and I definitely have had my moments with Steve. He finds it funny most of the time and one time told me I was being bitchy - I started to cry. He's never done it again. Wise man!
But it is just spilled milk, but sometimes it's the little things that trigger big emotions.
Oh, and my favorite part about this is that you told him he wasn't "respecting" your breast milk. I think this needs to become some sort of slogan for pumping mamas. RESPECT THE MILK. Show it some RESPECT. "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that's what my milk needs to be..."
Ok... spilled milk... I was ridiculously cautious with it last weekend when watching Andie and FLIPPED when the bottles weren't sealing. It wasn't that it was getting Andie wet... we had a towel. it was warm... really she didn't care and didn't notice. And it wasn't even 1/4 ounce. I was FLIPPING because it was breast milk! You can't just drive down to the store and pick some up. Or hook up a pump and hope my breasts can provide! (ok, graphic, you get the idea)
Then... *cheers* to loving husbands who understand the whackos! Oh man... I have had those moments of complete insanity and NO idea why... fighting just seems like the only method of communication. *sigh* women. :)
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