Where all we want to do is THIS:
This weather is really getting me down. I'm ready for the outdoors for sure. We have all sorts of projects over here at Chez Sluys that just don't get done if there is rain. Tomorrow, we're supposed to tractor the back yard to remove all the sod and weeds in preparation for sowing the grass. That's just not happening if it is raining (There would be a good chance of the tractor getting stuck in the mud). The other day we got so desperate we painted the chicken coop under a tarp nailed to the roof. Classy. The birds did get to free-range for the first time the other day though. The verdict: Bugs: way yummy. Slugs: so-so. My decorative plant by the front porch: gourmet. They're getting a little bit better about being picked up too. I guess they've realized that we're not as scary as the great outdoors. They don't like to separated either, if one gets away from the flock, a lot of distressed clucking is likely to ensue. We put the Araucanas in with the big girls today, and unfortunately, the mean girls picked at them. So, they're in a cage within the coop now. Hopefully they'll all play nice soon.
In kid news, the little ladies are doing well, and Aili continues to make me laugh just about every day with the things that she says. We were at the grocery store the other day and were walking by a few policeman outside of their car and she stops dead in her tracks, right next to them, points, and asks, "Mom, are they bad?" I tugged at her arm and tried to get her to keep going but she was quite insistent and would not budge, and asked her question again (loudly). I told her, "No, they CATCH the bad guys." Clearly, we need to be playing more cops and robbers here at our house so she can differentiate. Andie's doing well too, I think she is just starting to get a little seperation anxiety. She knows her mama for sure. She can be a little clingy at times (I call her my kangaroo kid) but she's just so sweet. We love her for sure....we'll keep 'er.
Those ice cream days can be dangerous.
Today looks like it is nice weather so hopefully it will continue for you guys so you can get some projects done. I hate it when I have stuff to do, but can't get it done.
I do love that picture. Glad things are going well. :)
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